After the Dance is a deeply personal film, by award-winning documentary maker Daisy Asquith, who unlocks a family secret that is caused shame and outrage in an insulated village in County Clare. Still raw some seventy years later, the film is moving, revealing and funny, and is a remarkable portrait of an Ireland rarely seen on film before. Join Daisy and her mother on a journey to discover her parents, which leads them to Kerry, Clare, and finally New York City.
Her grandmother, compelled to run away to England to have her baby in secret, handed the child over to ‘the nuns.’ Daisy’s mother was adopted by a catholic family from Stoke-on-Trent while her grandmother returned to Ireland and told no-one her secret. The father remained a mystery for another sixty years, until Daisy and her mum decided it was time to find out who he was. It leads Daisy and her mum to connect with a brand new family living an extraordinarily different life.
Tickets are $5.