Film Club: The Commitments

The Commitments, directed by Alan Parker, is a 1991 musical comedy-drama film based on the 1987 novel of the same name by Roddy Doyle. Set in the Northside of Dublin, the film tells the story of Jimmy Rabbitte (Robert Arkins), a young music fanatic and self-proclaimed promoter who assembles a group of working-class youths to form a soul band in the tradition of 1960s African-American recording artists. The band ends up consisting entirely of white musicians who have little experience with the genre. Even though their raw talent and lofty aspirations gain the group notoriety, the pitfalls of fame began to tear at their newfound friendships as they prepare for their big show.

This film will be shown at the Michael Flanagan Irish Music Heritage Theater in the museum.

Admission is $5 per person.