Based on the novel by Sebastian Barry, this film is directed by Neil Jordan and stars an amazing cast including Eric Bana, Rooney Mara, and Vanessa Redgrave. It alternates between the early years of World War II and the end of the 20th century.
Roseanne McNulty must vacate the soon-to-be demolished mental institution in Roscommon, Ireland that she's called home for over 50 years. The hospital's psychiatrist, Dr. William Grene, is called in to assess her condition and is intrigued by Roseanne's seemingly-inscrutable rituals and tics, and her fierce attachment to her Bible, which she has over the decades transformed into a palimpsest of scripture, drawings, and cryptic diary entries. As Grene delves deeper into Roseanne's past, we see her as a young woman with seductive charisma who moved to Sligo to work in her aunt's café, fell in love with a dashing fighter pilot, and had a local priest fall tragically in love with her.
Admission costs $5.