This landmark documentary tells a unique living history of Ireland - one seen through the eyes of 30 Irish centenarians. The film explores each centenarian's journey, from their birth at the dawn of Irish independence to their life in modern day Ireland. Director Alex Fegan (who also looked at another aspect of Emerald Isle life in his 2013 tale The Irish Pub) has cleverly crafted a kind of chronological narrative out of their musings, covering everything from their first memories (a lot of which seem to involve new shoes) to life in triple figures.What fascinates is their frankness. Many recall how "brutal" and "savage" their educators were, others recall the tumultuous events of the 1916 uprising and the "frightening" "Black-and-Tans" period. Partners' flaws are laid bare, as are concerns about declining moral standards and today's youngsters "doing nothing on their little machines." Each of the interviewees has witnessed a century of immense social, political and technological change, and provide a unique perspective on the meaning of life. $5.