Set on Achill Island, the largest of the Irish isles off the west coast of Ireland, Howard (James Cosmo), a retired sailor and widower, lives in a house by the sea. His adult daughter Grace (Catherine Walker) hires a caretaker for her father, a lady in her mature years, Annie (Bríd Brennan). Recluse and stubborn, Howard rejects Annie's company, but eventually opens his heart and gives his final love a chance. Grace has her own crisis to unravel and finds her father's romance difficult. Her father's new love reminds her of the affection she missed, as a child and now again as an adult. Annie must face the complex father-daughter relationship, while Howard and Grace must realize their own imperfections.
This film will be shown in the Michael Flanagan Irish Music Heritage Theater in the museum.
Admission is $5. *Please note, Movie Night is on a Sunday this month, rather than a Monday.*